Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A few final words

Well that's it.  I'm done.  I just finished my last Tough Mudder workout.  Tonight marked the end of my training, and now I rest for two days.  Whew!

It seems strange.  I've prepared for this for months.  Sometimes I prepared well with great workouts, pushing myself to the limit... beyond what I thought I was capable of.  I ate well, rested well.  I just did a good job.  Then there were times that I failed.  I failed to make good food choices.  I failed to squeeze a workout in to a busy day.  I failed to keep my eye on the goal and, instead, lived in the moment.

Right now, as I'm facing Tough Mudder without the option to do anymore to help myself achieve my goal I'm glad for the hard work that I put in, but believe me when I say...

I Wish
I Had
Done More

But I'm glad that I did enough.

I know... this is how life goes. We succeed, we fail, we get through.  It's all good.  But it makes me stop and think that when I die, I'll feel just the same way.  I'm SO GLAD that I'm prepared!  I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 18 years old.  At that moment, my fate was sealed and I was headed for heaven. No questions. No doubts.  And no matter how much good or bad I did after that couldn't have affected the outcome.  And I'm glad that there's more to my story.  I have continued with moments of great success!  I have lived to please God.  I have shared my faith and my faith has produced good. 

But I've also failed. I've failed in so many of the decisions that I've made and the actions that I've lived out.  I've failed so many times at living my life right for Jesus.  I've failed so many times at being selfless and surrendering ALL.  Oh... how I've failed.

* But God is so good  *

He doesn't dwell on my failures, but takes joy in my triumphs.  He loves me with a love that is so much bigger and greater than anything we can truly understand. 

And I'm ready.

Like I'm ready for Tough Mudder on Saturday, I'm ready for eternity.  My life may not be perfect (no one's is, after all) but when it's all over, I am SURE that I have a home in heaven with a God that is amazing. 

I hope you are, too.  Not everyone is...

There's a little saying that you may have read.  I've read several versions, but this is the one that I like the best... it really suits my life:

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, coffee in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, “WOO HOO, what a ride!”


THAT, my friends, is why I'm a Tough Mudder.  Why, WHY would I want to leave this world without leaving it all on the table? Without pushing myself to the edge of all that I can do.   Nah... that's for other people.  Not for me.  (Make sure to write that on my epitaph next week... it'll give everyone a good chuckle!)

With regard to that "journey to the grave" thing though.  Here's another little saying that sums me up perfectly:

When I say that 'I am a Christian', I am not shouting that 'I am clean living'. I'm whispering 'I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven.'; and I'm not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. When I say that "I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou, I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow! (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8 and 9). 

Ok, it's time to sign off.  I've got some serious resting to do!  My plans for the next two days are work, my nephew's concert, work, then heading off to spend the night in VT.  When you wake up on Saturday, think of me!  And pray that I survive my day in the mud.   Have I mentioned that




Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tough Mudder is coming fast and furiously! 

Indeed the event is this coming Saturday... and after months of working out, getting fit, eating right, taking vacation, slowing down, eating bad, and round and round...

                  I'M SO READY FOR THIS!

Several people have asked me lately if I'm ready.  I tell them simply, "no!"  BUT... I must confess that I just reviewed the course and it has me totally pumped back up again.  Check it out -

So, call me crazy, but I'm ready folks! 

Another question I've been asked is what I fear the most.  The course is 10 miles long and includes 30 obstacles.  Out of all that I think my top fears are:
  • Climbing the mountain
  • Ice water bath (Arctic Enema)
  • scaling a 100 foot ice wall (Glacier)
  • Electroshok Therapy (last obstacle)
That's not a bad list, I think.  I guess the other thing that I'm a little squirrly about is the Kinky Tunnels. 
I'm claustrophobic. 
Need I say more?

I spent this past weekend away in Ogunquit, ME with my mother, my sister and several aunts and cousins.  We talked about Mudder a bit and I received much encouragement (amidst the not-so-well-conceled concerned looks to each other).  I was apprehensive and tenative and feeling a little bit NUTS!   But it was a great thing to spend the weekend with my family.  They WERE totally encouraging and they ARE totally WACKY WOMEN.  They help to set the pace of my crazy life.  So to be with them was a blessing!

The estimated time of completion is 3 hours.  I'm going to be pleased if I can do it in 4.  Ok, let's face it. I'll be pleased to finish it!  No, no... I WILL finish!

I'm a little disappointed in our starting times.  I've been planning on running as part of a group of 5.  It turns out that three of the five have an 8:20 start time, and two of us begin at 8:40 (I'm 8:40).  So unless we catch up, we won't be running together. We'll have to make new friends on the course.  I'm good at making friends! 

My plans this week include a TOUGH workout on Monday, volleyball on Tuesday, a mild workout on Wednesday and a walk on Thursday.  Friday will be void of any substaintial movement.  Then Saturday... here I come!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Feeling 41... or maybe 64

I've been telling people that part of my Mudder training has been to run up a small ski slope.  Up and down, up and down.  And to describe it, I've been saying it's "maybe 1/4 of a mile or a bit less."   Today I used my handy-dandy gps app only to discover it's...

.08 miles ... not even 1/10th of a mile up hill. 

** THAT'S IT?!?!?!? **

With all of the heart pounding workouts that I felt like I was doing I was only going up .08 miles?! 

*Head desk*

Now, just to make sure that you don't start to believe that I'm an UTTER whimp (i am... i just don't want you believing that) we do go up and down that hill SEVERAL times.  Plus sometimes we run 4.2 miles TO the hill, then go up and down the hill, then do some other things like pushups, squats, etc.  You get the picture.

I'm as tough as nails!

But as I was struggling to keep up the pace with my young compadre (Ms. Samantha Schulz... you rock!) I felt very 41.  And I thought she looked very 20-something (which she is) as I chugged behind her begging God for enough air to fill my lungs to go another few steps.  I even thought... "maybe I feel more like 53.  or even 64..."  *sigh*

So these are two of my cute friends... Samantha and Curtis. They're still newlyweds, in my book, and cute as ever.  Curtis has run Tough Mudder before (notice the coveted, orange headband?!) and decided to stoop down to our level today and work out with us.  Of course, he went up and down that HUGE hill a few more times than we did.  And he didn't look dead when he was done. He actually makes it look like a breeze. 

Samantha and I have known each other for many years.  I love her spirit and her determination, but best of all she loves the Lord.  I love that about her!  Thanks for waiting on the old lady today, Samantha!  T-10!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Silence Says So Much...

Yep.  I've been silent.  Well, for those of you that know me, I really haven't.  But I sure have been quiet on the blogging front.  And silence can be interpreted so many ways. 
I'm too busy to blog... I'm working out!  
I'm too tired to blog FROM working out!  
I'm not interested in blogging because I'm NOT working out...
See what I mean?

For me, it started with, I'm not blogging... I'm on vacation!  But then vacation was over.  And then I wasn't blogging because I was catching up from vacation.  And then I wasn't blogging because I was FAT from vacation.  And the list goes on.

So today, I'm back.  Why today?  A couple of reasons.  #1 - I just finished a run.  I used the MapMyRun app for the first time and it says that I completed 7 miles.  While I think that the app might be totally bogus, I'm feeling good about those 7 miles.  I'm choosing to believe it. And #2 - Tough Mudder is less than two weeks away!  WOW!

In truth, all of March was tough!  I had some challenging breathing issues which landed me in the hands of three different doctors and a load full of medication.  I am SO not a chick that digs drugs.  

         However, I am allergic to my dog.  
                             Therefore I don't breath.  
                                          Therefore I don't run...  

Not so good for a crazy woman that decided to run in mud with a bunch of 20-somethings!  BUT, I'm fully drugged now and breathing better... most days.  

So, to catch you up... I was working out hard 6 days a week and eating light for December and January.  For February and March I have been eating hard and working out light.  Now that we're in April, I'm trying to find the balance.  So I'm working out 4-6 times a week and trying to hold back from eating things the size of elephants.  My success rate is moderate.  

My sister said to me yesterday, "Are you ready for Tough Mudder?"  Am I ready?   NO! *rolling eyes* But I'm willing and able and a still looking forward to it.  So, a week from Saturday I'll face the mountain.  I'm sure I'll have some moments of "what was I thinking?!"  But I'll be there chasing after the coveted $2 orange headband that is the symbol of my accomplishment.  If you happen to be there, look for me!  I'll be the one stumbling past the finish line begging for a rest... or a doughnut.  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2,856 Hours...

After finishing a workout with my Tough Mudder Team this morning, I decided to figure out just how much time there is left to drop this last 10 pounds, build up my stamina and completely convince myself that I can do this 10 mile course!  As of this very moment I have 
2,856 hours
which is 171,360 minutes
or 10,281,600 seconds...  
However, I guess the most effective measure is 119 days from today!

But I think I like looking at the minutes best.  It makes me feel like I have more time. :)

This morning I followed my fellow Mudders through an interesting course. We went back to a playground with a small ski slope.  We ran around the field, up the hill (a very STEEP hill, mind you... ok, so that's when I have to confess that I NEVER run up the entire hill.  I run up about 1/3 of it and then pray to God that my lungs won't explode while I'm walking to the top to meet my team), through all kinds of obstacles on the playground, did pull-ups (I can't do ONE!), suicides, side crawls, push ups, and more.  We worked hard for an hour.  

                I only thought I was going to die 3-4 times...                                                                 improvement!

It's funny... when I work out alone I feel like I'm getting stronger!  When I work out with my VERY young teammates, I feel like the old lady that I truly am (ok... I know I'm not old, but compared to my team, I might as well be using a walker).  

         But it's good.  
               I like the challenge that they bring.  
                      I HATE pushing myself that hard during the hard parts, 
                                 but I like feeling GOOD the rest of the time.  

Down 5 pounds since I signed up.  Up to 5 push ups.  Moving in the right direction.  

Hoping to post a picture of the team soon.  Then you'll "get it" when you see my young compadres. But don't hold it against them that they're young and beautiful.  I love them! (until I'm trudging up the hills behind them... then I strongly dislike them for just a few minutes...)

119 to go...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Getting Stronger

It's been 3 weeks to the day since I signed up for Tough Mudder VT 2012.  For three weeks I've worked out just about every day.  For three weeks I've died with Jillian (from Biggest Loser), been beaten by Amanda (who's showing our team how to run) and tried to whip myself into some sort of shape so that I don't feel like I'll DIE on Mt. Snow come May 5th.

It's beginning to pay off!!!!

Saturday I had the best 3 mile run.  It actually felt good to run!  And today I walked with Tim for 2 miles, and then did Jillian's 20 minute SHRED.  And I didn't feel dead when I was done!  I think I'm actually beginning to get some strength, increase my lung capacity and generally have more energy for my workouts.  YES!  This truly feels really good! 

As of today I have 4 months and 4 days to train...

Tomorrow I head out with my Tough Mudders for a 4.2 mile run, followed by a one hour workout.  I'm feeling less intimidated by it than I was a week ago.  That's progress!  Tough Mudder suggests that by the time you tackle the 10 mile course, you (I) should be running 5 miles twice a week.  So that's my goal.  But more than that I'm working on upper-body strength... an area of weakness for me.  So most days I work on push-ups and use weights to build strength.

I must confess that I've HATED moments of this.  There have been several times that I thought, "Why did I lock myself into this?  I'm hating this and now there's no backing out!"  But more often than not, and especially now that I'm geting stronger, I realize that it's worth it.  It's GOOD to push myself.  I LIKE getting stronger and more fit.  So if you find yourself H A T I N G the discipline that you've committed to in the New Year, in the long run the payoff is worth the investment!

Hebrews 12:11  All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

Happy New Year!  Here's to a year of change...

Monday, December 26, 2011

My Team!

Before my co-worker, Carol (who, by the way, is just a fabulous encouragement!), decided to join Tough Mudder with me, a couple of young ladies that I know (yes... YOUNG... like half-my-age young) had already signed up and were encouraging me to join them.  They had formed a team of 4, and asked me to be #5.  I told them,
     "NO!... I don't want to slow you down!"
But after some encouragement and promises that I wouldn't totally ruin their workouts, I decided to hook up with them to start working out together.  So today I met Jennifer and Rachel and, along with Samantha and Amanda, began the effort to whip our bodies into something other than marshmallow.  

Although it's been the holiday season, Christmas Eve I went for a run and ended up sailing through 4.2 miles (ha... sailing... that felt like a good word to use but that makes it sound easy, hu?  hummm....).  So I came into this workout feeling like that was at least something.  But Amanda successfully tortured us with a gritty 3-mile run at a pace faster than I'm accustomed to (but much slower for her) up and down hills followed by a short walk on a trail in the woods.  We did ok.  We even picked up some logs and jogged up a hill, and Jennifer found a barbed wire fence to crawl under.  You go girl!

In the end, I feel like today is truly the start of the big push.  We've got just over 4 months from now to go from barely doing 2 push ups and wheezing through 3 miles to piling through a rugged 10 mile course to obtain the coveted orange headband.  

In planning our workout for next week, the "girls" said,

"Lets meet at Samantha's and run to meet Rachel and Jennifer.  It's just 4.2 miles!"

Ok... so we're gonna run 4.2 miles and THEN start our workout?  Did I mention that these girls are 1/2 my age?!?!  Well then,